please find attached my personal brand manifesto.
aka things that i like. a lot.
crimes of passion ; rose quartz ; margot tenenbaum's fur coat ; dirty martinis ; lowercase comic sans ; bell sleeves ; cool ranch doritos ; the window seat ; HAWAIIAN SHIRTS; psychedelic rock ; truffle fries ; found art ; bendy straws ; santorini sunsets ; lipstick stained wine glasses ; THE MORNING AFTER ; exposed brick ; dreamcatchers ; missed connections on the L train ; scarlett johansson singing me to sleep ; moon dust; fire escapes ; super 8 ; tiki bars ; midnight relevations ; empty diners ; coconut oil ; SHADOW PLAY ; bathroom graffiti ; leopard print ; the silhouette of flickering candles ; THE WORD SAUDADE ; atomic number 10 ; beatrix kiddo ; intermissions ; cowboy boots ; emotional hangovers ; postcard collections ; vintage silk nightgowns ; alliteration ; love potions ; motel swimming pools ; em dashes ; FURIKAKE ; sourdough toast with earth balance vegan butter at 2:03 AM ; dolphin sightings ; moments of synchronicity; ad blocker; ransom notes ; desert sunrises ; 70s crash zoom; bad decisions ; lingering glances; sound vibrations ; lucky pennies ; THESAURUS.COM ; honeymoon suites ; happy endings