visible wireless: unlimited eyebrowsing

first, we shot a campaign with *the* dan levy of schitt’s creek fame.

then we made an *entire* interactive website dedicated to his eyebrows—and to advertise visible’s unlimited brows-ing plan, of course.
in fact, we made over 200+ pieces of content dedicated just to this!

enter: Unlimited EyeBrowsing.

i know what you’re thinking … this possibly can’t get more punny, right?

think again.

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one lesson i learned: you haven’t reached peak #copywriter status until you’ve churned out erotic fanfiction about eyebrows or penned headlines for furry movie poster parodies. see below for a selection of my finest and hairiest wordsmithing*.

*not pictured: the approximately four (4) brow-themed dreams (nightmares?) i had during the duration of this project.

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client: visible wireless

agency: madwell